Event Date
NeuralStorm Workshop
September 16th – 20th, 2024
Are you interested in learning more about neuroengineering at UC Davis? Join us for the upcoming 5-day NeuralStorm Workshop this fall. The objective of the workshop is to provide a brief introduction to the field of neuroengineering, information about training activities for the 2024-2025 academic year through the NeuralStorm program, funding opportunities, and more.
The workshop will include skills training, networking opportunities, discussions on topical issues in neuroengineering, and a series of hands-on mini projects to introduce basics of python, processing neural data and applying machine learning tools.
Graduate and undergraduate students interested in neuroengineering are eligible to register. Due to limited seating, only those who registered and are invited can attend.
Join our listservs to stay informed, or contact Vincent Tran (vcttran@ucdavis.edu) if you have any questions:
General listserv: https://lists.ucdavis.edu/sympa/subscribe/neuroengineering-list
UC Davis students listserv: https://lists.ucdavis.edu/sympa/subscribe/ne-students
UC Davis postdocs listserv: https://lists.ucdavis.edu/sympa/subscribe/ne-postdocs
Sponsors: National Science Foundation and the Center for Neuroengineering and Medicine