The NeuralStorm education and training program includes multiple activities to build the neuroengineering research community at UC Davis.
Activity 1 - NeuroEngineering Journal Club
This is a weekly journal club that runs in Fall Quarter. Students will examine and peer-critique a research paper that is related to biomed engineering and neuroengineering. Join our journal club mailing list here:
Activity 2 - NeuroEngineering Seminar Series
This is a monthly event with an invited featured seminar speaker. This is hosted at UC Davis on the first Wednesday of each month.
Find more details at:
Activity 3 - NeuroEngineering Seminar Plus
In addition to the featured seminar itself, we also run a Seminar Plus journal club. This occurs on the Monday *before* the seminar (typically the first Monday of the month). We take the work of the invited speaker, and a student will evaluate and critique a paper, and present their analysis to the group.
Activity 4 - Neuroengineering Lunch and Learn
Once a month, on the second Wednesday of the month, students meet to discuss their own work. One or two students present work from their lab, and questions and discussions take place with lunch.
Activity 5 - Annual Workshop
There is an annual introduction workshop for all students interested in neuroengineering at the start of the academic year, around mid September, for 5 days.
Activity 6 - Neuroengineering Research Symposium
We host a Annual Neuroengineering Research Symposium in spring, with a featured guest speakers and the neuroengineering research community.
Activity 7 - Navigating Neuroengineering Grad School
Each quarter, we hold a meetup session on Navigating Neuroengineering Grad School. We discuss making and updating Individual Development Plans (IDPs), practical skills for planning, writing, organization, workflow and thriving in neuroengineering grad school.
Activity 8 - Practicum
We hold Practicum sessions, generally 8-10 weeks in length, to address scientific topics of interest to graduate students.
NeuralStorm supports these graduate courses:
Course - Literature in Neuroengineering BIM / NSC 295
Fall Quarter
Critical presentation and discussion of current literature in neuroengineering.
Course - Introduction to Neuroengineering EEC 244
Winter Quarter
Survey of neuroengineering field from engineering and biological perspectives; micro-/nano-fabrication technology; optical and electrical techniques to monitor and modulate neural activity; computational tools and control systems; prosthetics and human machine interfaces; human performance and rehabilitation; cognitive neuroengineering; neuroethics; extensive proposal development to merge aforementioned themes into a multidisciplinary project.
Course - Neural Signals and Machine Learning Tools for Neural Data BIM 280
Winter Quarter
Select and use machine learning tools to analyze neural data. Knowledge of the definitions and fundamental principles of data analytics related to neural data including field potentials (EEG, iEEG, local field potentials, EMG) and single neuron or muscle action potentials. Neural decoding/encoding, how to apply classifiers, regression and dimension reduction techniques, factor analysis and dynamic modeling.
Please check the UC Davis General Catalog and the Schedule Builder the most up-to-date course information.
More Neuroengineering-related courses can be found here: